International Consultation on

Accountability Integration
for Organizational Flourishing

2 to 5 May 2023 at


Day 1 - May 2, 2023

Accountability to God for Organizational Flourishing
Dr Aby Alexandar
Director - Courses & Publications, CIM, India
Topic 1
Accountability: A Comparative Study Between Rational Secular Perspective and Christian Perspective
Dr Sung Wook Chung
Professor of Christian Theology & Director of Asian Initiatives, Denver Seminary, USA
Topic 2
An exegetical and theological analysis of Accountability
Dr Zenet Maramara
President, CSA, Philippines
Topic 3
Organizational Flourishing: A Christian perspective

Day 2 - May 3, 2023

Accountability to Peers for Organizational Flourishing
Dr Gary G Hoag
President & CEO of GTP, USA
Topic 4
Peer Accountability: A Biblical Analysis
Dr Sanjay Patra
Managing Director, CPA Services and Senior Partner SPRM & CO LLP. Chartered Accountants
Topic 5
Challenges and Opportunities in Peer Accountability
Mrs. Valentine Gitoho
Chairperson, African Council for Accreditation and Accountability, Kenya
Topic 6
Effective models of Peer Accountability

Day 3 - May 4, 2023

Accountability to the State for Organizational Flourishing
Dr Fohle Lygunda li-M
Theology and Network Engagement (TNE) Manager for Africa, Tearfund
Topic 7
Biblical perspectives on Accountability to the State and other Organizational Stakeholders
Mr Steve Kerr
Executive Director, CMA Standards Council, Australia
Topic 8
From Legal Compliance to a Biblical level of Governance Excellence
Dr M.T Cherian
Executive Director, CIM, India
Topic 9
Institutional Accountability as a witnessing opportunity

Day 4 - May 5, 2023

Organizational Flourishing in a post-pandemic context
Dr Trevor Lui
COO, GTP, Hongkong
Topic 10
The emerging post-pandemic world
Dr Bruno Dyck
Professor, Asper School of Business, University of Manitoba, Canada
Topic 11
Opportunities and challenges for organizational flourishing in a VUCA World
Dr Yogamalar
Research Associate, CIM, India
Topic 12
Accountability integrated management for organizational flourishing in a post-pandemic context
Read the CONCEPT NOTE for more details on the Consultation
Day 1: 2 May, 2023
Day 2: 3 May, 2023
Day 3: 4 May, 2023
Day 4 - May 16, 2021